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There is no better thrill...


It is a day I will never forget. Chase's Birthday.  That morning, without much thought, Betsy, Ginnie, and I decided to go skydiving with him.  This was to be our first time and Chase's second.  We had McDonald's before we left, and didn't think much about it until the drive up to Waller...As we got closer to our destination, I remember my stomach starting to turn into knots, and the butterflies seemed to just want to fly up and out of my mouth. However, once we realized that we would have to wait a couple of hours, I got the chance to relax a little...We took the preparation course which lasted about 20 minutes, and then we were ready.  Due to the high winds, Chase was unable to jump that day, but we sure had fun!! I remember thinking that it had to be one of the top ten things that everyone must try before they die.  I will never look at the sky the same way again.  It was truly an amazing experience!...


Here is Ginnie and Betsy signing their life away.  In order to jump, we had to sign waivers releasing them of any fault in case of injury, and yes, even death...

I'm glad they thought it was funny!


Here we are coming back from our mission!!

We could hear Ginnie screaming from the ground. I will never forget when she landed, because she got up with the biggest smile on her face, and said, "let's do it again!!!"

The BIG Day

here i will include pictures of other people's skydiving experience....this is as soon as i find them